Wednesday, May 7, 2008


What is the ultimate goal for New Hope’s men’s ministry? - To see every man become like Jesus. This is the “bottom line” will of God for each if us. He has no greater plan than each of us be conformed to His image (Rom.8:29).

How does this happen? Just as Jesus personally discipled a few, select men we must do the same. There is no better method than men personally discipling each other. The most powerful men’s program is more than breakfasts, retreats, or even small groups. It’s men engaging each other in simple life on life and being transformed by the Word and Spirit of God.

Jesus did not do pancake breakfasts to equip men nor did He do any retreats. What He did do was invite men – one here, two there, to follow Him. Neither was He trying to “plant a church” and set up weekly meetings. Rather, His strategy was simply to speak into a few men’s lives to the extent that they would learn to go out and do the same. He taught them by example and narrative in a simple way that was very transferable. He taught and modeled character, conduct and biblical values. As He trained the 12 they became the 72, then the 500 and on and on.

Just how efficient is this method? Consider the following: There are two strategies to win people to Christ. One is to win 10 people to Christ each day. That’s 300 a month, 3600 a year. In thirty years the total would be an impressive 108,000 people saved.

Another is to win one person to the Lord in a year and to carefully disciple this individual. By this careful discipling that person should be able go out and win someone else to Christ. Year number two finds two people, each one, winning one person to the Lord and carefully discipling each new convert. Each subsequent year it doubles again and by the 28th year over 5 billion people will have been discipled - basically, the world’s population. Unfortunately, if at any point we loose the focus it can derail the multiplication process, but this shows the great potential for discipling new believers and sending them out to disciple others.

If we would just follow Jesus’ simple and effective example for our ministry to men we would see more of them transformed into His likeness. We need men who will obey the final word and command of Jesus – “Go, make disciples…” (Matt. 28:19,20)

If you are interested in becoming a disciple of Jesus or to disciple other men contact any of the following NH Men’s leaders contact me; Dennis Deardorff, or make a comment to this post.

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