Monday, July 14, 2008

What's our strategy for winning the world?

Philosophy of Men’s Ministry
New Hope Community Church

Encourage men to take the next step in an ongoing relationship with Jesus Christ with the help and support from other men.


50% of the men associated with NH connected into a disciple relationship or small groups.
and their lives transformed into the likeness of Christ. (Rom. 8:29; 12:2, 2 Tim. 2:2)


Develop environments where men can connect and begin disciple relationships.
Men's Prayer Saturday Morning Breakfast Meeting “Men Serving Men”
Fight Club
Promise Keepers
Martial Arts Training: HapKiDo
June Conference (’08 The Role of the Man)
Regional Conference at RHCC

CORE STRATEGY – “72 Church”

Our primary strategy is the same as Jesus. He recruited 12 men, which became 72, then 500, etc. His method was to pour Himself into the 12 so that they could reproduce themselves in the next generation. He did not use breakfasts, Sunday Schools, worship, or anything else other than to disciple the 12.
Currently, we have a dozen key leaders (“Brotherhood of the Hook”) who are committing themselves to the Pastor of Men’s Ministry and to develop their own “branch” of disciples (John 15: 5). At the present, the total number of men in those branches is approximately 50-70 men. This does not include those men in our men’s community groups, men’s step groups and other ministry connections such as Married Life, Student Ministries, etc.

How big is the total ministry to men? Answer=the number of men associated with NH. The total constituent number is 8000 people. If ½ of that are men we have 4000 men as a constituent base. We have a long way to go to see that 50% of these are connected at the “family” level of community.

But consider this formula: one man, discipling one new man each year. In 28 years that equals 5 Billion men. The critical factor is whether we will follow 2 Tim 2:2. If we think about it everyone can trace their spiritual heritage back to Peter or John or the other apostles. Jesus’ strategy to take over the world with the Kingdom was simply to invest Himself in men who He knew would invest in other men. If we want to grow the Kingdom of believers we cannot resort to addition but multiplication. We must do it the same way that Jesus did it, pouring ourselves into other men who know why we are pouring.

Note: In the NT you rarely see men in “groups” as we promote the idea today. What we do see is one to one or one to a few for intentional discipleship.

NHCC website Men’s page – “Offroadmen” – Men’s materials and resources for spiritual growth (Dennis’ personal blog for men’s events, stories, resources)

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